Kreativ Blogger and One Lovely Blog Awards

Alexandra Corinth really made my day yesterday by nominating me for two awards, the Kreativ Blogger and One Lovely Blog Award. These are my first awards so I am really very flattered and amazed that people are reading my blog let alone nominating it for an award. I hope you all get the chance to visit Alexandra’s blog as she shares some wonderful flash fiction and short stories.

Kreativ Blogger guideline is that to accept the accolade you nominate other blogs you enjoy reading which is a brilliant way of showing your appreciation. There are so many fantastic blogs out there and but here are a few that I have been keeping up with recently and where I turn to when I am usually in grips of the dreaded writers block, need some inspiration and who offer sound advice or gentle encouragement. They are all very deserving so congratulations to you all.

Travel Tales

Blue Eyes and White Lies




A few facts about me

1) I got married outside to a wonderful man on a very wet and mild winter’s day. Winter is my favourite time of year and was hoping for a white, or at least cold and clear, wedding day. However I found out the day before that rain on your wedding day is good luck because water makes the knot you are tying stronger. Can’t argue with that.

2) For the past four years I have been living in Yorkshire and consider it my second home. I’m orginally from the West Midlands and some how managed to escape without an accent. I’m not quite sure how that happened.

3) I get excited when I see a tea room, especially after a massive trek. No better feeling I assure you

4) I still sleep with my teddy bear. He’s called Harry. And no, my husband doesn’t mind.

5) Writing is my passion, so is music, perfume and comfortable over-sized jumpers

6) It can take me a day or two months to read a book

7) As children my younger sister and I used to write plays for our toys to act out. They were pretty good actors and we are all keeping our fingers crossed for a call from Pixar (any day now)

8) I believe cake and films always go together perfectly. Same with ale and a good quality packet of crisps.

9) Certain music in my collection gives me the same feeling as drinking hot chocolate with a little bit of Baileys

10) The sea inspires me, so dramatic, calm and unpredictable. My ambition revolves being able to write full time by the sea, be it in a beach hut, on a deck chair on in a little house looking out at the ocean.

Well there we go, congratulations to all bloggers!

5 thoughts on “Kreativ Blogger and One Lovely Blog Awards

  1. maturestudenthanginginthere says:

    I just read your post congratulations on your two awards – how fantastic and well deserved. I am also hugely touched that you’ve nominated me for this award and that you’ve found bits and pieces in my blog that you’ve enjoyed. For the past week (and for the first time since I’ve started blogging) I’ve also suffered from writers block. This lovely pat in the back from you should give me the encouragement I need to get back in front of my laptop. I look forward to checking out all the others you’ve nominated.

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